Gianmarco Soresi Tickets
191 Toole | Tucson, Arizona

Adore a good comedy but haven't made the effort to go laugh the house down in years? Well 2024 is the year for you to jump back onto the horse! This May, Gianmarco Soresi will be playing the spectacular 191 Toole, Arizona, Tucson, for a wild night of banter and white hot wit, it'll make your day, week, month, heck it'll even make your spring! Critics have been going crazy about 'one of the unrivaled comedies to come to stage in years', and social media has been going wild! Now it's time for you to see what all the fuss is about! Click 'get tickets' to grab yours now!
Have you heard the phrase "Laughter is an instant vacation"? Well that's what Gianmarco Soresi is renowned for. Leave your troubles and worries at the door. There's no better way to unwind than by lapping up a belly-full of laughs by Gianmarco Soresi. The 191 Toole has hosted many comedic geniuses throughout the years and its proud to host a night full of witty observation and edgy punchlines - Gianmarco Soresi will have you falling in the aisles in hysterics. Early ticket purchases also come with a special extra smile. So grab your tickets now!